Legendary Wald4tel boogie is here - 37th year! 9 days of camping, bon fires, skydiving in beautiful austrian countryside, great food service and fun provided by the locals. This boogie is truly the one you can´t miss.
Freefly LO for the weekends, Fabian Raidel
RW Camp with Dario Jotti - http://www.pink.at/rwseminar.htm/
FreeFly skill camps with Fabian Raidel - http://www.pink.at/freeflycamp.htm/
RW Camp with Dario Jotti - http://www.pink.at/rwseminar.htm/
FreeFly skill camps with Fabian Raidel - http://www.pink.at/freeflycamp.htm/
Balloonjumps and flights
For tandem jumps tickets visit www.fallschirmspringen.at